Gold: The Divine Element

Gold: The Divine Element Gold: You may have seen your mom wearing jewellery made of gold, or maybe you are wearing them yourself but did you know wearing golden ornaments is a way of seeking blessing from God? It is true. Gold symbolises devotion and reverence to the...

Gopuram: Colossal Tower of Tradition and Culture

Gopuram: Colossal Tower of Tradition and Culture A gopuram or gopura is a massive entrance tower, usually ornate, at the entrance of a Hindu temple, mostly found in Temples in Southern states of India architecture and Sri Lanka. Or simply Gopurams are the entrance...

Gopuram: Design and Architecture

Gopuram: Design and Architecture Gopuram, also known as gopura, is the monumental entrance to a Hindu temple. Most commonly seen in Southern India. Comparatively smaller at first, the size of the Gopuram significantly increased since the mid-12th. Resulting in the...

Gopuram Significance

Gopuram Significance Temples have always played a crucial role in Hindu civilization, kingdoms and empires came and went but most temples stood standing. A pillar of hope and faith. But if you look at Gopurams(Temple Entrance) they are bigger than the main itself. If...

Gopuram History

Gopuram History Gopuram also knowns as Gopura is a prominent feature of a temple structure. Gopurams are multi-storied majestic towers that act as entrance towers to a temple, usually seen in south India. Gate also emphasizes the importance of the temple within the...